Fight Tribe Members gain a range of benefits based on their Fight Tribe Level. We are listing Terms and conditions based on Levels 1-3. 

Many sponsorship programs give you a discount, maybe a couple of freebies and thats where it ends.. With Fight Tribe, we help you get where you want to be using a range of options to help you on your journey.

The benefits are as follows (LEVEL 1)

  • 25% off for Fight Tribe members automatically when you login to or (UK & Europe)
  • 10% code to share with your friends, training partners, social media followers which then gives you a cut of their sales*
  • Early access to new releases
  • Bonuses, freebies and invites
  • You have joined the REVGEAR family with a huge network in the sport! Keep us informed via tagging on social media or directly via email and we may well highlight your achievements. If you are a FT member and need particular assistance with connections etc we can also look at each case individually. 


  • Commissions are paid on sales that use your unique code given to you when you join.
  • Rates are 20% of the sale value minus shipping to be redeemed against any REVGEAR equipment OR 10% paid in cash on redemption via Paypal or BACS.
  • Redemption against equipment must be used in complete amounts not as partial credit. Eg if you have £50 in credit but wish to buy an item worth £100 then you need £100 credit to do so.
  • BACS payments cannot be paid in sums less than £100.
  • 20% equipment redemptions are redeemable at retail value (Not discounted values) 
  • We run a report from the back end of the website which we send directly to Fight Triber's on request.
  • You can redeem your commissions at any time past the first month.
  • All credits against equipment work at RETAIL value. Your commission is paid on retail value against equipment you purchase at retail value. No other discounts can be applied. 
    The exception is against sale items which credit can be used against at the face value of the product.


Fight Tribe members are given a code to share with your friends, training partners, social media followers etc. Every time they use your code, YOU earn MONEY that will help with your gear, training fees, tournament registrations or towards the travel costs. Whatever you need it for FIGHT TRIBE commissions deliver!


LEVEL 2 - As Level one but with an agreed amount between £150 & £300 of 100% Sponsored Gear on reaching level 2.

LEVEL 3 - As Level one but will include upto £1000 of sponsored gear a year, photoshoot and personal terms agreement.


  1. All members should follow REVGEAR on all their social media channels and tag #revgear_fight_tribe when they post
  2. Media posts with large views will often win prizes.
  3. Be sure to read your FT Newsletter sent to your email which will keep you informed of other benefits and prizes you can win/earn or simply receive!
  4. Members who also run or own gyms and have a separate wholesale account can also order product at Wholesale using their accrued fund at the cash level. 
  5. Multiple members of one gym can club their FT earnings together for single orders.
  6. Fight Tribe Members of very high standard or with large social media followings should connect with us.